Grammar...was: RE: [Shotimes] RE: Southern Illinois Meet
Tue, 23 May 2006 07:17:01 +0000

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Jim & Debbie Leyden" <>
> And while we are at it...
> It isn't your wrong it's you're wrong and you are!
> Is there some reason we must pick on other peoples spelling and grammar?
> As long as we get the point across WHO THE F**K CARES?
> Jim
> Just because I can use proper English doesn't give me the right to look down
> on others.

Yes.....while we are at it......

Since you brought it up.....

I wouldn't have gotten into this at all, otherwise... though I have always been very picky about grammar... just ask my family.  

Written and spoken language is (probably THE) one major thing that elevates us humans from the "lower" animals....although sometimes their displayed intelligence makes us look pretty stupid.

Lots of folks here inadvertently misuse it...I agree that it is not a problem.  I do notice lots of misued pronouns/homonyms like their and there, and others (to, too, and two) as well... to say nothing of the misuse of punctuation, like you did above.  

My major complaint with society nowadays is that we are going backwards (since about 1975, but more noticeable now) the big things, like the stopping of technological advances, due to some groups not wanting to participate, ie: terrorists and zealots...and in the small things, like "educated" folks in "modern" countries forgetting, or perhaps not ever knowing (due to sitting in the very back of the room in grammar school, writing love notes, and shooting spitwads when they should have been paying attention to the teacher) how to properly use the ability to communicate (language) they have been blessed with.

Those people are now often in charge....of companies; of professional work groups (my air traffic control facility!); and of governments (!!).   (NuclEar, not nucUlar.)

Twenty years ago, my daughter, then in high school, pointed out to me on a 
regular basis, improper grammar usage and spelling errors in public advertising 
displayed to everyone.....I got her interested in that when I mentioned that 
Ford Motor Company had once had an ad campaign that plastered signs all over light poles and buildings on dealership property that said "Your in Ford 

I mentioned that error to "my" dealer at the time ('60s), and within 30 minutes, ALL the signs on the property were taken down.  Someone, at least, was interested in correctness, even though he had not seen the error until I pointed it out to him.

Oh, by the way....if you're going to correct, at least BE correct...

and....concerning the profanity--implied or otherwise.  You can leave that out.  It isn't necessary, and tends to lower opinions of you by others on this list.

Rant over.
