[Tigers] Heterosexuals and Miatas

sralsten at ca.rr.com sralsten at ca.rr.com
Thu Oct 30 21:31:36 MST 2008

Perhaps he doesn't know ? Actually I've known several guys that own Miatas. There's a Lotus website I used to visit a lot that had a poll. Which car is the most girlie ?

a) New VW Bug
b) Miata
c) 6 cyl Mustang

I can't recall who won, probably the new bug, but everybody has different ideas. I've been told my Tiger is "cute" several times and I once heard a young guy in a passing SUV remark "that old car is real faggy"


---- Tod Brown <todbrown at roadrunner.com> wrote: 
> "Problem is....it's a Miata.  I have never seen a heterosexual man drive a
>   Miata."
> My best friend owns a Miata.  He's almost 70 years old, has three kids, his ori
> ginal wife, coaches football, is an army veteran and an Irish Catholic.  He's a
> bout as straight as they come.  He even balances his wheels with lead weights, 
> ;>)
> Tod
> B382002384LRXFE 

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