[Zmagnette] trafficators

monster at caverock.net.nz monster at caverock.net.nz
Fri Feb 7 20:00:21 MST 2014

If it helps, no housing was not used on the equivalent BMC 1954-1958 
Oxfords which used SF80's, so it is not strictly necessary.
The sills have drain holes and any access holes to the interior are 
covered with the black waterproof cardboard.


On 08.02.2014 13:50, Fletcher Millmore wrote:

> The housing is simply to keep water out of the pillar, and would vary
> between cars, though BMC, for instance, might have used the same
> housing on different cars. This was likely NOT made or supplied by
> Lucas, except maybe under exclusive contract.
> I know that some cars had no separate housing, as the function was
> incorporated in the design of the part it was mounted on.
> You could likely make a suitable housing easily enough, heavy
> aluminum foil would do.

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