Too quiet

From: Steven Semeraro, ATR, (202) 514-8374 (semerasx(at)
Date: Fri Feb 03 1995 - 11:36:22 CST

    From!!tleeming Thu Feb 2 18:16:09 1995
    From: TLEEMING(at)
>From:!TLEEMING (Tony Leeming)
    To: "'owner-alpines'" <alpines(at)>
    Subject: Too quiet
    Date: Thu, 02 Feb 95 15:05:00 PST
    Content-Length: 900
    Content-Type: text
    Message-Id: <2F31666C(at)>
    Encoding: 19 TEXT
    X-Mailer: Microsoft Mail V3.0

Tony Lemming writes:

         I can't understand why the E-mail on Alpines is so quiet -
    do you guys have one of your extended American holidays again?

I can't understand why the list is so quiet either. I have asked
twice for comments on the Holbay engine upgrade options, and I
haven't gotten a single substantive response. Even if people
don't know about the Holbay options first hand, it would still be
interesting to hear what sort of difference people think the claimed BHP and
torque increases would make. I think I'll post the entire Holbay
option list next week to try to spur on some comment.

     Just thinking it would be handy if Terry could produce a current
     list of subscribers - I wouldn't mind knowing what area people live in.

Good idea.

     Also, who is going to Sunbeam Northwest at Grants Pass this year??
     Did anybody attend last year at Medford - I heard it was HOT !!
    The Tiger owners didn't even want to start em up !!

This ones out of my area.

         I'm still waiting for my Tigers/Alpines East 95 calendar
     - hope its worth it. Anybody in the club back there who has seen
     this calendar and can comment??

Mine came last week. It looks great. I wish people had tried
for some action shots of the cars moving, but that's a small
complaint. Maybe I'll try that for next year.

Steve Semeraro
Series V Alpine

    1983 Toyota Landcruiser SW

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