Re: Stuck engine

From: William W. Moyer (bmoyer(at)
Date: Fri Oct 27 1995 - 12:34:05 CDT

Ah, a real challenge. I love it. I'd use Marvel Mystery Oil in the
cylinders and blast every bolt and nut I could see with penetrating oil
as often as you can stand it. You'll thank yourself for this next
Spring, for certain. As for the petrol tank(s)? I can't imagine
that there's anything but varnish and rust after 16 years, but draining
and putting lacquer thinner in wouldn't hurt. When you drain the
thinner, you might see signs of rust if it's there.

Visit it every now and then and speak softly to it so it gets over it's
resentment at being ignored for so long (except for draining the
antifreeze, of course. what I wonder was the reason for that?). There'll
plenty of time for shouting and cursing when the disassembly begins.

Have you decided how you're going to transport it when you start the
restoration? I assume U-Haul isn't on your list.

"The longest journey begins with the first step." Good Luck on the trip.

bill moyer

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