Re: The "X" and the Mystery Engine

From: DSand95510(at)
Date: Tue Nov 21 1995 - 02:20:05 CST

In a message dated 95-11-20 19:51:19 EST, JLAIFMAN(at)
(Jay Laifman) writes:

>For once and for all, "X" really just meant import to the US, no more no
>less. Sorry, it doesn't mean that any of our cars are any different than
>the rest of them out here.
According to the S.A.O.C. Members Handbook, the "L", typically the first of
the three-letter group on our cars, stands for "Left-hand drive export."
 The third letter can either be "O", which means "Ordinary Specification," or
"X", which "is found on North American spec. cars and sometimes other
non-standard Alpines."

Again, have you checked the other "driver's" side of your block for the
raised letters which should show: production date, capacity and "H"igh or
"L"ow compression.
To verify the body number, check behind the driver's seat for another tag
attached just under the lip of the "occasional seat." The number on it
should match the body number found in the engine compartment.

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