RE: All-purpose Tigers

From: Richard Atherton (Entex) (a-richat(at)
Date: Wed Mar 06 1996 - 00:07:52 CST

        What about a Tiger Hurse ? Remember the Cool looking Jag E-Type Hurse
that was built by the Kid in the movie "Harold & Maude". A Tiger Hurse,
or maybe a even a Tiger Woody Van Like the Austin Mini Cooper Panel Van
would also be cool........

Just my Ramblings...


>From: lrw(at)[SMTP:lrw(at)]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 1996 5:19 AM
>To: tigers(at)
>Subject: Re: All-purpose Tigers
>>>Shall we go on to
>>>discuss Tiger 4x4s, Tiger Van Conversions, & Tiger hearses?Al J.
>>>Yes, for the next several weeks! Also Tiger ice-cream trucks, Tiger
>>>limosines, and perhaps Tiger personal watercraft!
>>That's it! I can get the $2500 Tiger and make it into a "monster truck" .
>> The super collosal car crushing monster Big Paw. I did see a street
>>spitfire and mustang. Some people have more $ than sense.
> Chris:
> Well, yeah, it _is_ silly, although it wouldn't be so bad if
>done to an Alger instead of a Tiger. BTW, the Spitfire arrange-
>ment occurred to me before, due to the Spit being body-on-frame,
>and the wheelbase looks close to a Jeep's. One must admit the
>result would be rather compact & manuverable (for a 4X4); offsetting
>that might be horrendous driveshaft angles (yeah, but any worse
>than a lifted CJ5?).
> We're pushing the stock-vs-modified discussion to its limit
>here. At one end is the Rootes-air-in-the-tires argument, wherein
>we assume the Tiger was optimized right out of the box for any
>and all applications. OTOH, a "personalized" Tiger assumes that
>we're smarter, in some small way, than Rootes in developing the
>cars. I kinda go for the latter, mostly because our needs/wants
>vary so, not due to any shortcoming in the car as built. Some of
>us want more power, some want better handling-- and some have
>kids to carry that they might not have when they bought the car.
>I cannot blame these folks for wanting to adapt the car for their
>revised needs (just don't cut the car 8-> ); putting the kids up
>for adoption would only get the spouse p*ssed off.
> Having barfed up all that drivel, I think the concept of
>alternative-bodied Tigers is interesting, now that the subject has
>been brought up. My favorites would have been a Tiger pick-up
>and/or a Tiger sedan-delivery. Admittedly, carrying capacity
>would be severely limited (but not the power!). Not that I'm
>sacrificing _my_ car in an attempt to make one, mind you.
>Larry Wright, Maryland, Tiger Mk1 Ph301-386-7979
> "I can't get no-- Satis-Traction". Fx 301-386-5333

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