Re: U.S.-TRADE: WTO decision likely to fuel political debate on (fwd)

From: Frank Marrone (marrone(at)
Date: Thu Apr 04 1996 - 09:29:08 CST

How much of Californias gasoline is refined out of the state? The article
mentioned Citgo, are there many Citgo Stations here? Is their gas refined
here or in Brazil? How is all this likely to affect the RFG situation ic CA.

Why is there Air? How much wood can a woodchuck chuck? What is the meaning
of life? Is there a actually a difference between Tiger and Alpine wheels
or no?

Frank Marrone MK I Tiger B9471116
marrone(at) 1966 LTD
                       Series I Alpine (2.3L powered by Ford)
                       Yamaha Seca 900 (new arrival)

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