Re: Rootes Engine Ident

From: TEdlund(at)
Date: Tue May 28 1996 - 09:20:49 CDT

> I have a Rootes 4 cylinder engine with number B 14019715 H LSX. I
> understand that the H indicates that it is a high compression version, and
> the LSX shows that it was fitted in a left hand drive saloon. Can anyone
> provide any more information for me, or correct what I have interpreted.

A while back Chris McGovern submitted a chassis code list on the net. I've
got a copy on my hard drive in HTML format, so it must have come off a web
page somewhere but I can't remember where.

According to that list your engine came out of a 1964 Hillman Super Minx Mk
3. Your interpretation of the suffix code letters is correct. The prefix
letter B denotes the engine was made in 1960 onwards, whereas a prefix letter
A denotes 1950-1959.

Terry Edlund
San Diego, CA

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