Re: And now for something completely irrelevant

From: Kerch30981(at)
Date: Thu May 30 1996 - 18:39:01 CDT

In a message dated 96-05-29 14:15:10 EDT, you write:

Hey, do you remember" clutch cargo" it was a cartoon with real mouths
animated over cartoons, strange, real strange cartoon. That was in the
early sixties maybe before most of you were born. oops! >>

I'm not sure how to return this note to the approprite place... got this mail
forwarded to me by my husband... from one computer to the same computer... in
the same house.. technology... ain't it great???

So Clutch seems a particularly appropriate topic for conversation! Here's
what I can add..
Clutch Cargo and his pals... Spinner ( a boy) and Paddlefoot (a dachshund)
 pehaps some of the worst animation ever... but those mouths ... well... what
can I say??!! <S>

How about this one... Fireball XL5 with the marionettes.. that were rocket
crew and rock band?

Can't help you with the song tho..

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