Sunbeam dealer sign

From: Scott Christie (103226.3155(at)CompuServe.COM)
Date: Mon Aug 05 1996 - 13:10:51 CDT

Just passing on some information for those of you who might be interested:
There is a company in Texas, Classic Auto Sign Reproductions, the owner is John
Kluge. John reproduces big, plastic, backlit dealer signs of various British
marques. He can build any size you want, one-sided or two-sided. He called me
today with an offer. He will manufacture a 3 x 6 sign with attached aluminum
light box for Sunbeam fans. It is based on an original that was white with a
big red "S" on top and the word "SUNBEAM" in red letters below. The original is
dated to around 1964-1965. The price? A cool $500! Hey, it's only money folks.

If you're interested call him at 210-509-4305. I have no financial interest in
this at all - he just called me first because he remembered I was after the

Scott Christie
Series 3 Alpine

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