Alpine hot start problem

From: Tom Yang (73742.1362(at)CompuServe.COM)
Date: Thu Aug 15 1996 - 10:09:06 CDT

<<Do your strombergs "or any other carburator" leak into the inlets after the
engine turns off? Leaky float seats can bleed fuel into wherever it can go
when the engine can no longer consume the additional fuel. This causes
puddleing in the inlet and can cause a lot of load on the starter.

Is your battery and charging system any good? Battery should be close to
15v on it with the engine charging.>>


My Strombergs were recently rebuilt, so I'm hoping they're not leaking. As far
as the charging system goes, I can't check it until I get the darn thing
started! Have to wait till the weekend to screw with it!


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