RE: Hillman Minx

From: Richard Atherton (Entex) (a-richat(at)
Date: Wed Aug 21 1996 - 01:27:50 CDT

        I too am in the market for an Alpine (series IV or V...preferably IV),
in that same price range / condition..But Washington, Oregon, B.C., or
Idaho are my areas...


>From: bonecrusher(at)[SMTP:bonecrusher(at)]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 1996 10:07 PM
>To: alpines(at)
>Subject: Hillman Minx
>I just wanted to thank all that responded to my posting a couple weeks ago.
>I am looking for 61-62 Hillman Minx body parts. if anyone knows where I
>can get some in the U.S. without having to ship them from England please
>let me know. Or if anyone knows of anyone selling a 61-62 Hillman Minx in
>California or Nevada, let me know! I am also interested in buying an
>Alpine for around $1500 in California or Nevada. Body has to be straight
>with no rust. Thanks all!

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