2 Alpines for sale near Philly for 600

From: Bob Douglas (b-douglas(at)ti.com)
Date: Thu Apr 10 1997 - 19:52:16 CDT

I know nothing more about these cars (not even the Series) or the seller. S/He
is anxious to free up the space and asked me to pass this on to the Alpine
group. If someone on the list looks into these, please let me know how it works
out. My impression is that some of the past cross posts have turned into dead
ends. If this is the case, I'll stop wasting our bandwidth.

The email address is PAButala(at)aol.com.
The Alpines are located 30 miles west of Philly, Pa. I'm asking 600 for the
pair. One is only a parts car the other needs the floors replaced but I have
replacement panels for the job. The restoration car has had the top of its
motor rebuilt and the body was stripped and a coat of epoxey primer applied.
If still intrested let me know.



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