Steering wheels, wood or not

From: Heuer, Paul (paul.heuer(at)
Date: Mon May 05 1997 - 17:51:10 CDT

You say your car has a timber steering wheel. Do you know what brand or
where it came from? Does the reach adjustment of the steering wheel still
work, and if so how does the horn button work?

I ask all these questions because I think a smaller and thicker rimmed wheel
would be nice, but the original wheel has the locking boss for the reach
adjustment in the centre of the wheel and then that um-distinctive horn
ring, both of which would be hard to come by in an after-market wheel.

I'd be interested to hear others' steering wheel stories too.

Paul (in Adelaide)

1725 cc. All-synchro trans. Located in Melbourne, Australia. It was a LHD
car before the bloke who had it before me restored? it. It has MGB seats,
a new timber stearing wheel, a Jarrah dash which I made myself and a
matching jarrah gearknob which I also made myself; all of these are dark

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