Re: Smiths Clock

From: DSand95510(at)
Date: Mon May 05 1997 - 22:13:49 CDT

In a message dated 97-05-04 09:11:06 EDT, CMeinel464(at) writes:

>Connect the power lead of the clock to a hot lead on the ignition switch.
> Both my Tiger and Alpine are set up that way. Both of my clocks
>they don't keep very good time.

I've got an old VDO semi-look-a-like clock in my Alpine with the same
problem. Now that I now its not the clocks fault, I'd like to know why a
stock Smith clock won't work right when hooked up to the headlight switch -
per the wiring diagram. I can't believe everyone with a Smith clock has had
the same problem for thirty+ years without a tech tip leaking out somewhere.

Dick Sanders

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