Re: How fast am I going?

From: DSand95510(at)
Date: Sat May 10 1997 - 22:47:30 CDT

In a message dated 97-05-07 15:54:21 EDT, tleeming(at) (Tony Leeming)

>Terry, Just to add what Jarrid notes, the Series III specs. report a
>road speed of
>21.4 mph at 1000 rpm ( 3.89 w O/D). So at 4800 rpm you could be
>cruising at 102.72 mph -
>I've tried mine up to 4200rpm and that's enough for me!!!
>Tony Leeming

Has anyone verified these numbers on modern radial tires? I have trouble
believing that any radial tire available has the high profile of the old
bias-plys found on our cars originally when they were spec'd.

Just for comparison, with 3.89 gears and low profile 205/60-13 Potenzas on my
Series V, I'm turning around 14.75 mph per 1000 rpm's in fourth. I checked
the tach out not too long ago and it was relatively accurate. Verification
of speed (trust my speedo? HA!) has been by pacing a number of late-model
cars at night and comparing the big digital readouts on their dash with my

Dick Sanders

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