Creating of a web-site / who can help ?

From: Andreas.Pils(at)SKF.COM
Date: Wed May 14 1997 - 01:36:30 CDT

Dear Friends!

Maybe someone of you can help me with some answers to my questions ?!? Even
if they are this time not regarding the "old iron" we are all interested
This time I ask for help regarding creation of an web-site. But please, let
me tell you you in detail:

You must know, that I'm vice-chairman of a small motorsports-club here in
my hometown Steyr in Austria. We are planning some oldtimer-events
(meetings, swaps, fun-rallyes,etc.) and a big biker-meeting (guests from
whole Europe) each year. As I have the possibility to look into Internet
her in my office, I found out the big advantages of a web-site, when trying
to reach other people who are intersesed in the same topics. Unfortunately
it is not possible for me to put a web-site onto the net, because we have
Internet-access via the companies own net-system (Intranet). Off coarse, I
have full access to all web-sites I want to look into and it is possible
for me to work with full e-mail. But there is no possibility fdor me to
place a web-site.

Off coarse, you can say now, that our club should buy a suitable Computer
and the needed software and licenses and should subscript an intenet-access
with included web-site. This would be the simplest way, that's right, but
the main problems are, that 1) Our club has no suitable computer and
hardware equipment which is needed to work in the net, 2) Our club has no
phone connection in the clubs-office, 3) Our club has not the money for the
very high amount of money to pay every month (Austria has a very high price
lavel for that things).

Now I have heard, that especally in the US there are companies, where you
can subscript web-sites for less money, and where you can work in this site
by connecting it via Internet (This I could do out from my office). As the
net is very international,m I would see no problems to handle a web-site on
an US provider, because also than we can give all the people who are
interested in oldtimers and bikes the possibility to look into our
homepage, independent if they are living in our hometown or on the other
end of the world!

                                                 DOES ANYONE KNOW A REALLY

Many thanks in advance for your efforts!

Best personal regards,


P.S. Today's weather in Austria would fit more for cruisin' with the
convertible than sitting in the office and dealing with problems! (Sunny,
no clouds, temp > 30° centigrade - hope it will keep so until the weekend)

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