Sticking Valve

From: Chris Stephenson (cstephenson(at)
Date: Thu May 15 1997 - 14:15:28 CDT

     For anyone wandering about my earlier email, here's the scoop...
     I removed the head and the problematic valve. The cause of the
     sticking was a burr on the shaft of the valve that appears to be
     caused by heat friction. I replaced the valve with a new one I had in
     the parts bin and all appears well. However, I am concerned about the
     cause of the burr. The head is one I installed about 3,000 miles ago,
     so the problem could have started prior to my use. Prior to this head,
     I ran about 30,000 miles on the old one. It failed due to some shoddy
     work by the machinist who installed new valve seats - initially, the
     seat fell out but on close inspection, I discovered that all the
     valves were ground too thin.
     Question, how much oil should be squirting out of the holes in the top
     of the rockers? I am running about 40lbs pressure when hot. I am not
     running a thermostat so the engine stays fairly cool.

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