Re: Electric radiator fans

From: jarrid_gross(at)
Date: Sun May 25 1997 - 13:19:27 CDT

Daniel and hot under the bonnet Alpiners.

On Sun, 25 May 1997 10:18:50 -0700 "Daniel J. Levitin"
<levitin(at)> writes:

> (1) re: the existing fan blades - do I remove these from their
>pulley leaving the pulley attached to the engine block? Or do I
>remove the
>pulley-and-blades together, necessitating a change to a shorter fan
>that would only go around the water pump and the alternator?
> (2) What does the new fan unit attach to, the radiator or the
>engine block?
> (3) What brand of unit are people recommending?

You must'nt remove the pulley, because without it (new fan or not), the
doesnt circulate.

The new fan unit would attach either to the radiator or to the
radiator mounts (prefered). A thin unit will be required in order to
the water pump pulley.

I visit local bone yards from time to time, and I've seen some really
ones on Japaneese cars like Nissan Sentras and Toyota Celicas.
Ive seen some nice pusher types on BMW 5 and 7 series.
Older cars like mid engined fiats, and the like have them, but the fans
are fat and not too wide. You'll need two of these.
Many auto parts stores sell them, and these tend to be pretty good.
Just be certain to get one thin enough to clear the pump.

Jarrid Gross

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