Electric radiator fans

From: Daniel J. Levitin (levitin(at)interval.com)
Date: Sun May 25 1997 - 12:18:50 CDT

        I'm sorry that I seem to be dense about this, and apologize for
taking up more bandwidth. I have a Series V. I've followed the discussion
about installing an electric, thermostatically - controlled sucker fan. I
understand the advantages now and would like to try to do this. But I
don't see how, in terms of mounting. Assuming that I remove the existing
fan blade unit and install the new one in the same place (that is, between
the radiator and the engine, not between the radiator and the front bumper)
I have some Questions:
        (1) re: the existing fan blades - do I remove these from their
pulley leaving the pulley attached to the engine block? Or do I remove the
pulley-and-blades together, necessitating a change to a shorter fan belt
that would only go around the water pump and the alternator?
        (2) What does the new fan unit attach to, the radiator or the
engine block?
        (3) What brand of unit are people recommending?



Daniel J. Levitin, Ph.D.
Interval Research Corp. levitin(at)interval.com
1801-C Page Mill Road Phone: 415/842-6236
Palo Alto, CA 94304 FAX: 415/354-0872


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