Re: Overheating

From: jarrid_gross(at)
Date: Thu May 29 1997 - 23:58:11 CDT

John wrote,

>Dont knowe how I survived but it seems that there are some that do and
>some that dont. Does it have anything to do with the condition of the

It has to do with a lot of things in the vehicle:

Here is a list of suggestions to go over, perhaps one will help out

Is there a bunch of crud "rust" in the bottom of the engine block?

Are you running too much anti-freeze? (Ethylene glycol sucks as a coolant
to water).

Are you running without a thermostat in hopes that you will run just

Is your spiffy water pump with the deteriorated plastic impellor moving
water around at all?

Is your fan mounted backwards?

Does your radiator have so much scale in it that the thermal transfer

Is your engine running right (air/fuel, timing, advance)?

Durring the last "repair" of your radiator, did the shop cut corners, and
solder up
the end of the leaking core instead of brazing the leak?

Are the copper fins in your radiator plugged up or bent so as to impare
air flow?

Jarrid Gross

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