
Christopher Albers (Christopher.Albers(at)
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 18:14:51 -0800

As my project draws to a close I am looking for a nice set of period seatbelts. I prefer chrome and ideally English manufacture but would settle for a nice set of non-original belts if they look good. Can anyone recommend me to a company that specializes in seatbelts? Also, I am wondering if anyone has an original radio. I have been looking for one for sometime. Someone on the list said they had one but I don't know if they ever found it. At any rate, they never got back to me. Any of our English or European friends have a source for such a radio? I'm also looking for some small (6" or less) Lucas fog lamps. Do small Lucas fog lamps exist? Found a pair, but the guy want $270. Too rich for my blood. Don't know how big they were, though.
