Re: Transmissions

T Wiencek (t_wiencek(at)
8 Jun 1998 09:40:17 -0500

RE>>Transmissions 6/8/98

I would be willing to buy one of these conversion kits. Is there anyone out there who would like to coordinate the purchase of these kits? It would be best if it was someone who live near the guy in Australia who will cast them. I would be willing to pay some extra for the coordinators time and effort. How about 4 people pay 125% and the coordinator gets his conversion kit free? Tom

-------------------------------------- Date: 6/5/98 8:10 PM To: T Wiencek From: Tom Hill Matter of fact, Rick is the one who told me about the Australian connection. I have ordered many parts from him and even though I live in the deep south, I have visited his shop a few times. I called him one saturday when I was in town and he waited for me to drop by. Rick almost always the one I call first for parts.


Jay Laifman wrote: >
> Tom writes:
> >I have heard rumors about the toyota 5-speed conversion for quite
> >sometime. I understand that some guy in Australia will cast the
> >necessary bellhousing in lots of 5. So if you and 4 of your alpine buds
> >are willing to pony up the bucks.....
> I've heard about this too. However, I am sure that Rick has too. And, if
> Rick is not simply selling that one, but developing another one, I would
> wait for Rick's. Ever see the back page of his catelog where he shows why
> his parts are better? I was at his shop when he was working over the new
> top he was getting made. He really does not take these things lightly and
> makes sure they are as right as they can be before he starts selling them.
> I believe that many of these products are made in a joint effort between
> Rick, Curt and Tom.
> My $.02, I love my Alpine transmission, always have. It has just the right
> classic feel, light and precise yet strong, with short enough throw. It
> would not be an Alpine without it.
> Jay
> '67 Bentbeam