RE: volvo parts

Jarrid Gross (GROSS(at)
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 08:08:00 -0700

Paul Gilbert in New Orleans wrote of parting an 82 Volvo,

>Is there anything from this car that I could use on an Alpine? It has a
>5 speed transmission and overdrive. Would the overdrive be adaptable?

Volvo stopped using the LayCock overdrive in the mid 70s. Newer model Volvos used there own transmition, or possibly a Getrag or ZF model as many other European cars do.

So in short, undless the whole tranny can be brought over to the alpine, it a lost cause.

I was eying the panhard rod from an older (80s) volvo, looked like it might work well in an alpine.

Jarrid Gross