Re: Air?

Barrie Henderson (hendersb(at)
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 17:22:25 -0700


Funny thing that - so did mine - for a short period I commuted from San Rafael to Mountain View (about sixty miles) - in my air-con'd Alpine. I had the tonneau cover on and wore a light weight rain-jacket with a pull-string hood (couldn't stand the wind in my ears). Talk about air conditioning!

Down over the Golden Gate (always windy) - through the ridiculous urban traffic snarls in S.F. and then down the Bayshore to Mountain View. Took about an hour each way.

But I don't recall getting up to 80 - at that speed I would probably have lost -

a) the tonneau b) my hooded jacket - and c) control of the Alpine - the Bayshore is not noted for velvety pavement (or at least it wasn't then).

I was quite content with the posted limit - which I think was 65 at the time - before all that (OPEC inspired) nonsense about 55 being the limit on all highways. [You guys are probably all too young to even remember a 55 universal speed limit?).

Just my Loonie's worth on the subject (no no! - the Loonie is our Canadian one dollar coin - it's not an evaluation of my mental state.)(Tony - may need your help to get me out of this one).

Jarrid Gross (Yorba Linda, CA) wrote: >
> ----------
> Bill Gullatt wrote,
> >Just curious,
> >Has anyone ever put air conditioning on an Alpine or Tiger?
> I did'nt install mine, it came with the car.
> First you get the car up to 80, then.....
> Jarrid,
> 90+ (F) in SoCal