Re: Tigers United

Jarrid Gross (GROSS(at)
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 11:46:00 -0700

Christopher.Albers wrote,

>CAT may not be an "all Rootes" club (perhaps Steve Sage can clear that
>up) but it is definately a Tiger and Alpine club. At least that is the
>way it has been represented to me by club officers and members. I know
>Steve Sage is an Alpine owner (his car was at TU), as is Jay Laifman
>and Steve Alcala, CAT's president. I'm not trying to stir up
>controversy. I just think Alpine owners need better club support in
>the LA area and it's up to us to seek it out. I just need to say this
>stuff at a club meeting. Hopefully I was not premature in expressing
>my views on the list.
> Sorry if I offended anybody.

Christopher and gang,

Although many of the folks at CAT are a great bunch, I let my membership lapse, and have continued to refrain from re-joining on the basis that Alpine support was so lacking. Articles and tech on the alpine were so sparse, that it became a burden just to read the newsletter every month in search of an alpine blurb. (No, alpines in the CAT classifieds dont count).

There was a time when just before, and during the time Steve Alcala was pres, that he actively set out and had southern california get- togethers. I went to a few, and they were sparsely populated, but very informative and fun. I regret not going to more of them particularly now that they are no more.

Ole and his group seem to have get togethers from time to time down in San Diego, but thats just a little far for my toe head complection to take in an open convertable.

I personally would love to be a part of an Los Angeles/ Orange County Alpining group. If there is interest, the group should be as informal as possible, have no dues or news letter and the president should have to buy beers for all the constituants at all get togethers.

I of course could not be ellected pres on the basis that I sold an alpine part this year, and that of course would be a conflict of interest.

Ramon ought to consider resurecting the R.A.T.S.A.S.S. periphenelia and found a new local anti-political alpine lovin group.

Tiger bashing is optional, but Alpine Authentication Certificates (AAC) are mandatory in order to consume "club beer".

Christopher, its your move.
