Re: Paint Schemes....

Steve Laifman (Laifman(at)Flash.Net)
Wed, 08 Jul 1998 08:17:36 +0100

DrMayf(at) wrote:

> Did the Factory hav a special color scheme for their works cars? Soemday I
> would like to paint my LSR vehicle that way. No. I'm not even close yet, but
> getting there slowly and surely. I plan to run BMS (blown modified sports) D
> class where speed is about 242 mph. Record was set in 1988. Unblown is 222
> mph. set at the same time.


When I read about the responses you were getting about the red "Rallye" cars, I was dismayed. I wrote you previously about the 200 MPH record holder Sunbeam at the National Motoring Museum, and figured that would be a better role model. Never got any replies from our correspondents in England, as I forgot the color.

Finally got one. It was from my son Jay, who has the Sunbeam. I gave him our photo. He remembers the car being shaped something like a woodruff key, and was sure it's color was ---- "RED". We are trying to find where he put the photo, after 3 moves, and I'll try to scan it for you.


Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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