Re: caged needles for gearbox shafts

Jerome Yuzyk (jerome(at)
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 12:12:03 -0700

In article <199807151936.MAA13845(at)>, "Jarrid Gross (Yorba Linda, CA)" <GROSS(at)UNIT.COM> wrote: >
> ----------
> From: jerome(at)
> >While restoring my (part-synchro) gearbox, it was suggested that I
> >search for caged bearings to replace the 3x27 needle bearings used on
> Would you risk gutting an OD mainshaft for ease of replacement?

Hey now, there are only needles on the input and lay-shafts, nowhere near the mainshaft...

BTW, after some power-surfing on the topic, bearing manufacturers have their Web acts together. FAG, for example, has a decent picture tutorial on failure analysis, via


- J e r o m e Y u z y k | jerome(at) - - BRIDGE Scientific Services | - - Sunbeam Alpine Series II #9118636 | -