Re: CAT and Alpines

Tue, 21 Jul 1998 23:37:51 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-21 07:37:04 EDT, CMeinel464 writes:

<< Sunbeam meets or any car meet should be fellow owners getting together to share common interests and all Sunbeams should feel free to come. People who just purchased a Alpine or other Sunbeam should be encouraged to participate not be asked to park away from the so called mint ones.... >>

Exactly again!

C.A.T. used to be like that.

C.A.T. used to be a GREAT club.

They used to have informal/impromptu "judging" going on for the cars that showed up at meetings. Yes, the "nicest" one got a little recognition of some sorts, but then so did the "Tacky Tiger" for the night, (long-Long-LONG before the TAC-thingy) which I always maintained should have been called the "Most Potential" award.

C.A.T. isn't like that any more. It changed. Somewhere between '85 and '90, near as I can tell.

It's a shame.
