Re: A question regarding anti-freeze/coolant

Wed, 22 Jul 1998 21:06:13 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-22 02:10:09 EDT, you write:

<< Geep ! ! I always used distilled water in all my cars. It is supposed to be free of minerals and all that junk, you say I should use some of the MUD's finest rock water that is so hard it corrodes my bathroom fixtures and makes my hair stand on end? Tell me it isn't so. Any Chemists in the bunch (I dropped out of chemistry three times before finally getting through) who can shed some light on this? >>

The biggest qualifier is how hard your water is. For instance, here in NJ, we have chemically treated city water, that is safe to use in a radiator. Where we plan on moving to, in Nebraska, the water is so hard, that a water softener is a NECESSITY. Unfortunately, hard water is a no-no in the radiator, and most water softeners use salt. Yeah, sure, I'll fill my radiator with salt water...... NOT! Steam distilled water is the purest form to use, and if it were that hard on metal components, I doubt the laundry iron folks would demand it's use.

Just my 2p

Jon Arzt Rootes(at)