Re: speedometers

From: Matthoney(at)
Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 15:38:55 CST

In a message dated 99-10-28 12:57:29 EDT, AlpineDriver(at) writes:

 BTW2, Reminder for Rob or anyone else pulling their differential: when you
 do be sure to check the tightness of the ring gear bolts. Most likely you
 will find them barely hand tight. There is discussion on this topic in the
 list archives, it is worth your while. Also, Jim Leach has a bolt
 replacement system for your peace of mind.
 Rob Carpenter >>

I'm interested in this replacement system or any other fix for these
loosening bolts -- my current project is swapping out an axle which suffered
a dramatic self-destruction most likely related to these loose ring gear
bolts. I'd like to prevent a similar loosening and failure in the junkyard
axle I'll be putting in. Any thoughts?

Thanks, all

Matt, Julie, and a Series 3 in search of a name...

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