Re: SV Fried Electrics

From: Ron Tebo (tebomr(at)
Date: Thu Nov 11 1999 - 12:00:45 CST

Brent Kasl wrote:

> Thanks for all the posts regarding the neg/pos ground question on my
> sons SV Alpine. I recharged the battery and tried the correct
> connections and after about 10 seconds of cranking, there is no sign of
> life at all. Turn the key and dead silence. I know their was concern
> about the voltage regulator, coil, etc. Any other ideas on where to
> start? Brent


How much smoke did you let out of the wires? (the Prince of Darkness has
decreed that all smoke must be kept in!)

Seriously, if you aren't cranking, something is wrong in your switch to
solenoid circuit, and I would start there. Go to

for a nice color diagram, and check out those red and brown wires coming
off the switch and solenoid, and after you get it cranking, you can worry
about the other stuff. (It's not likely that your solenoid itself would be
affected, but you can check this easily, by using a starting pushbutton
jumper if you think it's necessary) Also, make sure you check all bullet

Ron Tebo

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