Re: steering wheel replacement

From: Christopher Albers (Christopher.Albers(at)
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 12:03:48 CST

65_s5v6(at) writes:
>I removed the steering wheel to eventually put on the LeCara I got from
>SS. I don't see how to
>remove the actual "wheel" from the "hub" that connects to the steering
>rod. I only see the
>three screws inside. I started to pry it off but noticed it was
>cracking from the backside.
>What's the trick here?

The 3 screws inside are what mount the horn ring and have nothing to do
with mounting the wheel. I'm assuming you've not removed the horn
ring. You must first remove the adjustment hub and then the horn ring
assembly. If you've removed everything, including the center nut, the
wheel should come off with some force. However, if it's cracking, the
wheel is on there pretty good an you may need to use a steering wheel
puller. Have you tried spraying penetrating oil around the center
shaft? The only thing that holds the wheel onto the shaft is the
center nut (large, flat 1" nut).


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