SOL Archives

Rev. 8/9/96 RG

The British-cars file servers and how to get them:

Please make sure you read the page about accessing the Team.Net archives and servers for detailed instructions and directory listings, before you post any files.

The British Cars list doesn't have a single FAQ, but we do have file servers with lots of technical and other information on it, as well as the list digests since 1991.

The file servers are machines where various archives and articles of interest are stored. You may get copies via "anonymous FTP", or from the E-mail file server.

Instructions on How to connect can be found on the Access page.

SOL Archive Contents

Note: Some files contain "ASCII Graphics", which must
be viewed or printed with a fixed font such as courier
(like this paragraph) to appear correctly.

Highlites of what is available (this is not a full index):

/sol/Images Pictures Directory-Various pictures of "our cars"

/sol/Digests -Archives of British-car mail (directory)

  • compressed files, 50 days each
  • sol.month.Z
  • older archives, 1 month each

    British Car Mailing list archives & pictures


    Uploading files to the FTP server:

    Archive Access Instructions

    Team.Net Archives Page

    These forums are publicly available, and not-for-profit. If you find these lists, or the Team.Net Automotive Archives server useful, we request that you send a $5-10 donation to help support the host computer and hard drive(s). So, if you'd like to contribute to this fund, send in a check, made out to "Fat Chance Garage" to this address:

    Fat Chance Garage
    PO Box 58333
    Salt Lake City, UT 84158
    If you have any trouble with this server, email with a description of the problem.

    This page is maintained by Roger Garnett. Please send comments & errors to

    Copyright © 1989-1996 Team.Net

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