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Re: (OT) Permanent wedding ring-or changing batteries

To: Gary McCormick <>
Subject: Re: (OT) Permanent wedding ring-or changing batteries
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 10:48:30 -0600
> The problem with hooking up the positive side of the battery first is that 
>you'll get an
> arc when you hook up the ground - can be death to alternator diodes. Better 
>bet is to

Gary, I don't see how hooking up the two connections in any particular order
can cause alternator diodes to be damaged.  You need both connections in order
to have current flow, so I don't see why this is true.  I taught electronics
for many years and this result seems counter to all that I know about DC 
theory.  Please explain or give us a reference to further data.


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Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor, Future planner
CS Dept, University of Texas, Austin, Tx. 78712 USA 
voice (512)471-9517, fax (512)471-8885

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