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Re: <OT> I was Hacked!

To: "Gordon Glasgow" <>,
Subject: Re: <OT> I was Hacked!
From: "roadster" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 21:56:45 -0800
I'm glad Victor blocked the guy before too much trouble happened. I recently
switched to a cable modem connection, and on the recommendation of others I
bought a Linksys Cable/DSL modem. It's got a working firewall that blocks
outside hackers. I got it at a discount, but they only retail about $110.
Well worth the cost as the Linksys allows you to use up to 253 computers on
only one paid IP address (I'm using only 3 PC's for my family). Here's a
review of the 4-port version at but the single port
with an ordinary $20 hub like I have works almost as well.

Fred - So.SF

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Glasgow" <>
To: "Victor Laury" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 9:13 PM
Subject: RE: <OT> I was Hacked!

> This is particularly true if you have a DSL or cable modem connection
> a fast one). Your machine could be used in a DDOS attack on a web site.
> That's a Distributed Denial Of Service attack, where the hacker puts
> programs on a bunch of machines with fast connections and triggers them
> at once to send a flood of messages to the targeted web server.
> A lot of junior hackers are what they call "script kiddies" who have no
> abilities other than copying scripts off the hacker sites and newsgroups
> running them. If you shut them out with a good firewall and/or virus
> software, most of them have no interest in arguing the point and will go
> look elsewhere.
> Gordon Glasgow
> Renton, WA
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Victor Laury
> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 7:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: <OT> I was Hacked!
> List,
> I was under the incorrect assumption that Internet security was only
> necessary for large corporations.  Well, I know better know. My computer
> acting unusual. New steps in the startup procedures were added, Strange
> folders suddenly appeared. Every time I would log off the network, the
> "connect to the network" dialog box would pop up. If I was logged on, but
> doing nothing, there was still outgoing traffic. I found that a shadow
> of every email that I had read or sent was being created.
> I asked the one IT Pro at work that I respect and he told me that
> having fun" Get a firewall program". I installed Norton Internet Security
> and it found 3 trojans installed. Since then, the hacker has been blocked
> twenty times, as he, she, it has tried 6 variations of trojans and other
> methods to regain his playground.
> Hopefully, the hacker didn't find anything to vital and now blocked, will
> away. I've been told that at times they retaliate by certain methods once
> blocked. I hope that this does not happen as well. Please install a
> device soon on your machines. There is shenanigans afoot.
> Victor
> 70 SRL 31113136
> Los Angeles
> SoCalROC

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