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Re: Never rains, but it pours! (Asutralian roadster sightings)

To: snyler <>
Subject: Re: Never rains, but it pours! (Asutralian roadster sightings)
From: Pamela Pepoy <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 18:49:19 -0700
You guys are confusing me.  If I want a really fast roadster....what color do I
paint it?  I thought red was the fastest color and that's why there are so many
red roadsters.  Purple has some red in it.  So that explains why purple is
fast.  Now......Ron Hamilton's roadster is black.  No red, no purple and that
sucker is seeeeriously faaast!  I'm confused.  Could it be that the base color
of the Ron's roadster was red and then he painted it black so it would be a
sleeper?  I need to know. Going to be painting mine.  I want it to be fast and I
was thinking that a bright lime green with a red interior would make a
definitive statement.
67.5 stroker in progress
Tempe, AZ

snyler wrote:

> Stephen McCartney wrote
> >Robbie,
> >It's obvious you haven't actually done timed 0-60mph and 1/4 mile runs with
> >each paint job.  It's a scientific fact that light travelling in the red
> >spectrum travels further with less dissipation.  This ability to "cut
> >through" space actually reduces your drag coefficient significantly.  The
> >results are easily measured - a red paint job should be equivalent to a 10%
> >power increase.
> >
> >Really. ;)
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Steve
> Because red is has long wave-length  it would actually be the *slowest*
> of colors.  Purple would be fastest!   ;-)
> -Marc T.
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