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To: "Coffey, Jack" <>
From: Ted Schumacher <>
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 10:45:11 -0500
jack & fot. there is a simple way to fix the synchro ring problem.  a synchro 
becomes less effective as the
ridges inside the ring wear down.  since the synchro ring operates as a brake - 
it's purpose is to slow the
speed of the gear so it will mesh easily with teh next gear - you only have to 
get down tothe ridge area that
is not worn.  just throw the synchros on a surace grinder and tin the ring on 
the large face. this effectively
buries the ring deeper onto the gear and gets into teh fresh are of the 
synchro.  we ahve done this for years
as a means of saving synchros. ted

"Coffey, Jack" wrote:

> Does anyone have 2 sets (or source for) NOS synchros for TR6 gearbox.
> General consensus of FOT is that a problem I've had with newly rebuilt box
> (won't down-shift into 2nd at all - even with double-clutch) is caused by
> synchros not being up to Stanpart specs.  I also have another box which
> worked fine after original rebuild but began to grind after only 1000 miles
> (this on both 2-3 upshift, 4-3 downshift - double-clutch works here
> though!).  I'd like to try rebuilding both with NOS rings - hopefully this
> will do the trick.
> Thanks -
> [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which 
>had a name of Coffey, Jack.vcf]

Ted Schumacher
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