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RE: Hmmm...

To: "'Robert M. Lang'" <>,
Subject: RE: Hmmm...
From: Bill Babcock <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:08:12 -0700
Nice post.

I haven't jumped in because I don't know that much about the SCCA. I'm just
a member and a racer--I show up and race. No complaints, seems like a good,
well run organization. I don't like everything about them, but the level of
professionalism seems extraordinary, especially for what remains essentially
a club. Must be very hard to steer that ship. From what everyone has
said--both positive and negative--this must be a very capable guy. 

Bill Babcock
Babcock & Jenkins

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Robert M. Lang
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: Hmmm...


I wasn't born yesterday, but I had no idea that SJ was the focus of such
divergent views. I met Steve a couple of times and as Ernie, I worked a
corner with him (Solo II Nats, 2001) and he was willing to roll up his
sleeves and pitch in. Therefore, I have a totally different view of his time
at the helm.

Some of the negative stuff that I've read here and on other lists appears to
me as sour grapes over decisions that were made by SCCA boards and NOT SJ,
for example the turmoil in the D Mod Solo II classing. But the truth of the
matter is that those decisions are born by those boards, NOT the president
of SCCA. SCCA really is a member club - but you have to participate in the
process. Sometimes the various boards don't decide for things that we
(personaly) want. Does that mean that those folks don't want participation
of Triumphs or whatever? NO. It means that the folks pushing whatever agenda
that pervailed made whatever argument was necessary to get the rules

When SJ took over SCCA, the organization was bleeding red ink and "the end"
was literally just a matter of time. In the last number of years SCCA has
been hit from all angles with stuff that literally can kill organizations.
If you don't believe me, look at the sanctioning fees for a Solo event. Or
the demise of the national rally program. SCCA is still here and that is in
some part a testimony to SJ.

Yes, rules get changed that render cars back to the middle of the pack. So
what? Think about this - what if there was NO SCCA. Then what? Do you really
want to play with cars at "lifestyle" events? I don't know about you, but I
want to play with cars not look a "hotties" that are young enough to be my
grandchildren... SCCA still is a hard-core organization.
The cars have changed, the racing has changed, but for some of us, it's the
only game in town. And the neat thing about SCCA is that if stuff isn't
going the way you think it should, if you pitch in you can make a
difference. Try that with NASCAR or NASA or whatever.

Some folks have voted with thier money and dropped membership. That's kool.
And that's where the meaningful criticism ends. End of story.

In a way, I have to say that I sort of envy SJ's move to the helm of Champ
Car. I mean, how kool would it be to be able to get paid to run a race

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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