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Re: [FOT] Reality check:

Subject: Re: [FOT] Reality check:
From: "SHANE Ingate" <>
Date: 4 Jul 2006 06:54:03 -0700
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2006 09:53:59 -0400
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Mordy Dunst wrote:

>The email was to enquire why there isn't a position statement from the 
>regarding the concept of developing a national imperative to become 
>independant of fossil fuels in one decade.
>Dr. Wulf aggrees that there should be. Indeed he says that the G8 summit in
>Moscow is going to address this issue in detail.  He comments that 
>hopefully a
>true and durable postition will be announced soon.  Problems they encounter 
>not the scientists but, certain lobbies that have lots of interest against 

Good for you Mordy; thats one way of clearing through all the muck.  Wulf's
statement is politically neutral.  NAS/NAE cannot make any formal statement
against White House policy because their funding levels are set in the 
Budget (which must then be subsequently approved by both Houses).
If the NAS/NAE made an unsolicited statement that opposed administration 
then *poof*, say goodbye to funding.

The statement on the G8 is a herring.  The US has abandoned international
treaties (such as Kyoto) in preference to it's own which it then entices a
"coalition of the willing" to join GEOSS and its go-nowhere, do-nothing
goals (which have nothing to do with global warming) but spend a lot of 
for meetings in exotic places.

Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but that is the way funding works here in 
We have seen this already with many DOE and NSF-funded scientists being 
for presenting data that weakens the administration's position.

Federal funding for science and engineering has dropped by an average of 4% 
per year
for the past 4 years, whereas 6 years ago we were promised that it would 
expand by
50% by 2010.

Nevertheless, despite what you all think of the organized criminals running 
this country,
this is still America and today is a celebration of ideals that are the envy 
of the rest
of the world.  So please celbrate those ideals and voice your support for 
them, before
the criminals destroy the Constitution completely.

Happy 4th!

Shane Ingate, knows how the system works in DC, in Maryland

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