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Re: [Fot] alternatives to the SCCA?

To: "Robert Lang" <>
Subject: Re: [Fot] alternatives to the SCCA?
From: "Steven Preiss" <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 12:08:54 +1100
I seem to play with mine in the garage more than anywhere else.(!) Don't
really have sufficient resources at the present to build and campaign a
fully prepped race car. I just want to get the thing out on a track and get
the blood pumping.
Anyone had any experience running vintage cars in SCCA Solo 2?
Steve P.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Lang" <>
To: "jimdonick" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Fot] alternatives to the SCCA?

> On Sun, 1 Jun 2008, jimdonick wrote:
> [stuff deleted]
> > IF (not sure it will happen) the SCCA squeezes out a few more of the
> > production classes I'd strongly recommend that guys take a look at the
> > organization in their area.  It may or may not fit their needs but it
> > very easily give you a home until you come to understand the inherent
> > and wisdom (as well as poetic truth) in building a TR2 or TR3 to come
> > with us here in the VSCCA.
> ... meanwhile, NASCAR and the close relatives lick thier chops...
> The problem with the production car classes in SCCA is that the numbers
> are down. Why is that? I have no idea. But it's probably because there's a
> limited number of participants all trying to compete in expanding classes.
> Spec this and Spec that are one factor. But if they can get 40+ SM cars at
> the runoffs and barely get 20 HP cars (and then a couple don't even take
> the green at the race!), there's something wrong with the weaker class.
> So, you get two options - talk or walk. Walking is easy. Talking is a lot
> harder because you wind up trying to placate folks that are competitive
> and know what they want. You make a new rule set and you wind up being the
> bad guy if that new set doesn't align with the competitive guy's vision.
> And if that person is a leader (highly likely) they can rallye folks
> behind them (for example: XXXX org is full of idiots or whatever).
> Is there an easy solution? NO. Absolutely NO. Is forming a new organiztion
> the right thing to do? I'm not so sure. Of the folks that I've talked to
> that do the NASA thing (for example), 100% of them also run SCCA. How is
> DIVIDING the same people between two organiztions a good thing? Same thing
> goes for classes. If there's 100 active Sports Racers nationally, how is
> adding a Spec sports racer to the mix going to help? Does everyone chuck
> thier car and start over? NO.
> But this is a Triumphs list. We should talk about Triumphs. Where we play
> with them is up to us individually. Period, the end.
> > best to all
> > jimdonick
> Regards,
> rml
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bob Lang              NER/SCCA                 |  This space for rent
> Solo Chair 2008       TR6 40 F Prepared        |  Triumph!
> Voice:781-438-2568    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489
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