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Re: Labels on vehicles

Subject: Re: Labels on vehicles
From: Chuck Rothfuss <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 21:34:21 -0500
John, Keith, List,

   How about the standard white circle with red outline and big red 'E' to
tell the fire crew where the fire extinguisher is?  If I'm stuck in a smoke
filled car and can't pull the fire system releases myself I'd sure like
someone to know where to look for them!

Chuck Rothfuss

At 02:49 AM 1/16/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Okay John.... here is the one's I know of.... I need a "Pull/on Push off" and
>a "N2O inside"  .... and a Standard List Sticker would be lovely..... like "
>Land-speed e-mail at"
>Love to hear what the other folks would like to have...

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