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Re: Inspection

Subject: Re: Inspection
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:04:14 EST
    Well stated, Dan. I remember several years ago when a very well known and 
successful streamliner team got caught changing fuel on the return road after 
running faster than the existing El Mirage record. They were stripped of all 
their Gas records and haven't run as a team since.
    There are any number of Patrol stations at every El Mirage event that are 
manned by competitors, guys that are aware of racers doing mechanical work on 
the return road. If someone gets secretive between the shutoff area and 
Impound it only whets the curiosity of the rest of us.
    Maybe I'm naive, but I'd like to think that the vast majority of 
comprtitors have more personal pride than to cheat and live with the fact 
that their "personal best" didn't really mean anything.
    Regards Dave Dahlgrens observation about the hassle of pulling the head 
off of an OHV or OHC cam engine, that's the worst nightmare of an Ardun 
owner. Just getting that contraption sealed so that the oil, water, and 
compression stay separated is a challenge in the shop at home. Doing it at 
the races is a hassle at best.
    Years ago Elmo Gillette came up with a homemade device that has a folding 
leg on the end of a 1/4" rod that fits down through the plug hole and then 
opens up 90 deg. The folding leg is the exact bore size. The inspector runs 
it down the cylinder to the top of the piston, at which point the leg opens 
to 90 deg. If the inspector can't wiggle it the leg is no bigger than the 
bore. The stroke is measured with any 1/4" diameter rod. Unfortunately this 
only works where the plug hole is somewhat centered over the top of the 
piston, like a Hemi.
    At Speed Week 2001 Wasted Willie Glass (XXF Roadster) happened to be in 
Impound at the same times we were, plus, his bore was the same as mine. Ever 
had some guy kissing you on both cheeks in the middle of the Inspection 
area?.....................Ardun Doug King 

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