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RE: New Motorcycle Models

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: New Motorcycle Models
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 14:58:42 -0700
Lets see ... do I find these in the Motorclothes catalog or is
Accessories???  LOL

Dale C.

                Subject:        New Motorcycle Models

                OK, here's a URL to two new Harley models, one for Men, the
other for Women. 
                And let me quench the flames ahead of time by saying to the
ladies of the 
                list, Louise, are you listening? That this is a joke, it is
only a joke, this 
                joke does not necessarily express the views of the poster or
other list 
                members.  If this joke offended you, please notify the
person posting such 
                joke and an apology shall be issued..


                Mike in L.A.


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