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Re: aero

To: "gary baker" <>
Subject: Re: aero
From: john robinson <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 07:18:39 -0500
Gary, I'm putting in a phone call to the EAA here in WI this morning. If 
there is any info, the Experimental Aircraft Association should have it, or 
know where to get I will probably call the Smithsonian if the 
EAA does not produce....I got the time to do this and the itch to find out 
about a grad student here at the UW interested and looking too, 
maybe he can find something......I will get back to you....

At 05:31 PM 10/24/2003 +1000, you wrote:
>I'm thinking of the P-51 radiator that
>>made thrust from the added heat from the radiator and the shape of the 
>>ducting. this might be of some use to me with an aircooled bike.....
>hi John
>the P-51  radiator / duct  was an experiment conducted during the 2nd ww 
>by a scientist called Merideth  and the effect is called funnilly  enough 
>the merideth effect   BUT unfortunatly it really has no effect untill the 
>speeds approach and exceed 350 mph where it actually started to produce 
>enough thrust to start to counter the drag of the radiator exposed to the 
>air stream
>unfortunatly this effect was not investigated any further and with the 
>advent of turbine & jets it has all but been forgotten  John I think that 
>it merrits further investigation especially with streamliners , I started 
>to research but there is very little data on this approach ' only a war 
>time document by merrideth which I have downloaded and need to read 
>through again
>anyone else know more about it ?
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           John Robinson, Mechanician
   Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
                 1513 University Ave.
                  Madison, Wi. 53706
            Current World Land Speed Record Holder
                  Bonneville Salt Flats
           H/GCC 92 1980 Dodge Colt
                  144.396 MPH set 2000
       MPS-PG 441 c.c. 1967 BSA Victor Motorcycle
                     95.193 MPH set 2001
                 Antarctic Ice Driller Oct02-Jan03

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