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Re: Way back when .... (NON LSR)

To: John Burk <>
Subject: Re: Way back when .... (NON LSR)
From: Bryan Savage <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:08:57 -0800
Do you remember the Pontiac Tempest engine (left bank of the V-8)
powered dragster he built? He was telling a group of us at the
Winter Nationals how the thing shook so bad he had to hold it
in 2nd and he found cracks in welds every time he looked. I never
saw the twin BOP dragster

I spent many Friday nights at the Colton dragstrip which had a very
short paved shutdown area and a good sized open field after that.

More fun,

John Burk wrote:
>>blew the porcelain out of the plug housing. <
> That brings to mind when Mickey Thompson's twin aluminum 215 Pontiac dragster
> was running in our area and and had an entire spark plug blow out .
> John Burk

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