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Increased Interest in Land Speed Racing ~ part 1

Subject: Increased Interest in Land Speed Racing ~ part 1
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:35:08 EDT
Wes, You are absolutely right on target: World's Fastest  Indian undoubtedly 
brought a lot of newcomers to the Salt this year !  I  think we should also 
have to give a lot of the credit for increased attendance  to Hot Rod Magazine, 
and editor David F, with his LSR interest and ties to  people right here on 
this list !  Bonneville and land speed cars are now  topics to be found Once 
Again within the pages of HRM .... I find this  very refreshing after a VERY 
absence of salt event coverage. I  was a totally addicted reader of HRM since 
1950 and actually remember when it  came in a plain brown wrapper ( that is a 
fact, folks ). In those days every  Bonneville Speedweek was given much 
coverage, and the cars that were  photographed there would be featured in 
subsequent issues for the following  year. My heroes were guys like Mickey, Ak 
the Dahm Brothers,  Art Chrisman, Jack Lufkin, C&T Automotive,and Fred 
Carrillo, etc, on and  on .... a very long list !  Things changed with HRM by 
70s, and it got quite 'hip' with the times, and became a mag about dolling-up  
vans and surfing and a few other 'niceties' that had nothing at all to  do with 
building and racing HOT RODS. Like many of my car buddies, I  dropped my 
subscription, and would look it over on the newstand to see if  anything at all 
worthwhile was within its' covers. I actually think there  might be some 70s or 
80s issues of HRM that do not have the word "Bonneville" in  them. I never 
really checked that, and why bother now ?    --  end part 1 

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