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Re: Why is EM run so differently than Bonneville???

Subject: Re: Why is EM run so differently than Bonneville???
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 01:30:03 EST
In a message dated 12/30/2006 10:59:06 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
Flowbench writes:

Oh boy... Otto, you don't have all your "facts" straight. Yes you need to  be 
in a club, but many have members in other states, & many clubs will let  you 
have someone pull your patrol (our club has members in Texas &  Chicago). So 
that shoots down 2 trips to So. Cal. 
Now the reason El Mirage is run differently than Bonneville is because we  
have a points race. We have a club championship and both bike & car  champs. 
They get to start first for at least 2 reasons. 1 folks were bringing  their 
and putting them in line a week before the event (that would still  make it 
tough for you). 2 line up to points is fair, not unlike pit boxes  in NASCAR. 
It's not that your not welcome, The SCTA runs many guests each year,  bring 
it out and see how it does.

Sounds great! How do I join your club?
I can see skating over the meeting attendance deal but I have no  problems 
working and I wouldn't be comfortable having someone else pull my time.  It's 
not right. Besides I can work all day anyway, except for the last run  of the 
day! LOL
Sooooo you skated over some of my questions so I'll reiterate.
Why do you have to belong to an "approved and accepted" CA car club  to run 

Why is EM "private" to California car clubs only? Why can't car  clubs 
outside CA be on the "approved club" list?

Why do SCTA members  have to work one day a year to run EM and not at 
I personally think it is a good idea to have a work day/member but I think  
Bonneville should be included along with EM. It takes way more  volunteer 
effort at Bonneville just from sheer numbers of entrants.


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