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Re: AN fittings & other changes

Subject: Re: AN fittings & other changes
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 13:03:59 EST
So as we're here standing on the salt deciding on what I "thought" the rule 
meant we just flip open our lap tops (that we can't see the screen on in the 
sun) (& that quit working because of salt corrosion) (or that cost more than we 
can afford after the new safety gear is bought) to look up the rule. Sure put 
it on the web, but keep the book too, there's nothing major wrong and it's 
getting better all the time. If you have a question make a call.

The rule for worm clamps stems from people using what they had to work with 
in the old days. The inspector has no way of knowing if you used the correct 
hose with the fittings you have. Seem simple to me, maybe because I'm simple 

Also seems I was at Cape Canaveral taking the NASA tour and as we looked at 
the block house/bunkers for the Mercury rocket launches they were square and 
when we got the Gemini and Apollo pads they were round.... Go figure, the 
scientist had to make a change from experience not a book.... 

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